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Things we need to know if we are going through a tough time in a relationship

Often in relationships we may go through a difficult time where we may feel that we are not in sync with our partner or that we are being misunderstood. In certain circumstances, even after putting in a lot of effort, things may still go south. “There is so much good waiting to be experienced by you. There is so much love available to you,” wrote Relationship Coach Marlena Tillhon. In such cases, we must remember certain things to help us get through the tough times in the relationship. The Coach shared a few reminders.

Things we need to know if we are going through a tough time in a relationship(Shutterstock)

ALSO READ: Reminders when we are struggling in a relationship

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Don’t be hard on yourself: the difficult times in the relationship can make us overthink about finding faults in ourselves and the partner. However, sch negative thoughts can impact us and affect our life and work.

Your feelings make sense: We are often told that the negative emotions we feel in the tough times are actually nothing – but that is not true. All feelings and emotions make sense. Instead of trying to dismiss the feelings, we should try to find the source of it and become aware of the situations or actios that led to this feeling.

You haven’t failed: A tough time in a relationship where we have poured out our heart and mind can feel like we have failed in keeping it all together. However, it’s not a right track of thought to get into. Just because we are struggling in a relationship doesn’t mean that we have failed. Instead, we should try to find solutions.

Get support: Surrounding ourselves with people and communities we feel safe with that can provide us with mental and emotional support without judging us about the way we feel is very important. This can give us solutions and help us provide the way which we should traverse in the relationship.

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