Director Buchi Babu, who has been eagerly waiting for Charan, has already completed the script and pre-production work for the much-awaited film. The casting options are also nearly finalized with Jhanvi Kapoor being the top contender to play love interest to Ram Charan. “Charan’s availability and schedules have been key issues but Buchi Babu is raring to go once the work takes off and has already received a few songs from maestro A R Rahman,’ he points out. The big budget extravaganza is being bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers.
Following the completion of ‘Game Changer,’ the plan is to commence and complete Buchi Babu’s film starting in May. “Charan has given clear hints about commencing his next and also had a chat with Shankar and things could be in place,” he concludes.
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