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Opinion | Ye Olde Mailbag: In-season Raptors trades, a bit of March Madness and what’s up with Zion?

There are not a lot of questions here and some of them are very long but there’s probably enough to make it worth your while to spend some time before tonight’s game.

Q: Wouldn’t it be nice if the Raptors could send all their young players to the Popovich finishing school and then reacquire them?

In all seriousness, the only in-season roster adjustment that rivals Poeltl’s arrival, in the sense of immediately improving mediocre performance, is the Gay trade for the three Kings a decade ago. (I don’t count the Gasol trade since that team could never be described as mediocre, before or after his arrival). Can you think of others (perhaps a top five list, we haven’t had one of those for awhile)?

The won-loss record may not show it yet, but there is something immensely satisfying to a narrative subplot that reconstitutes the Casey bench mob. Close your eyes and it has never been away; now for the tricky bit, keeping it together.

James A., Victoria

A: They’ve certainly got a huge bounce from Poeltl in six weeks or so, I’m going to wait to see what happens with his contract in the summer before declaring it a monster win. I fully expect he’ll sign at a fair number but until he does, I’ll reserve judgement.

As for others, aside from the Gay deal, Serge Ibaka for Terrence Ross comes to mind but other than that, in-season deals have always been either totally inconsequential or involving teams going nowhere, it’s hard to rank them. Wayne Embry in his interim role getting out from under a Jalen Rose contract and getting some cap space was pretty good.

I do know what was the worst, by far.

Hello, Vince for nothing!

Q: Hi Doug
I am of the opinion that substantial changes will occur at the end of the season. With that in mind I feel the Raptors would be better off getting the highest possible draft pick rather than making a token appearance in the playoffs.
If they could get a quality guard with say Scottie Barnes ability for free wouldn’t that make the most sense in reshaping this team?

A: I couldn’t disagree more. It’s always better to learn from playing important game than it is by sending a signal that winning doesn’t matter. Always.

But, yes, finding a potential all-star like Barnes for free would be great, it’s just wildly unlikely given reality. Maybe the scouts hit a home run but that’s as likely to happen with the 16th pick as the ninth.

Q: Hi Doug,

It wasn’t long ago that Zion Williamson was god-like in his abilities and He was going to lead the Pelicans to the Promised Land. A few years later, he has fallen back to earth and his mortal body seems to be catching up to him.  Do you suspect his overall body weight is perhaps a major player in his injury-prone-ness?  Although he is supremely athletic, he does seem to be a lot heavier than what would be ideal for a supremely fit NBA player in today’s fast-paced game. I heard he has a “weight-clause” in his contract. Is that true? Do any other players in the NBA have one? Also… what’s the weirdest contract clause you’ve heard of?

Richard F


A: Not sure it’s the weight, although others have suggested it. I think it’s more the power and torque he plays with that lesser muscles and tendons have a hard time handling.

I don’t know about a “weight clause” and I’d be shocked if any agent agreed to that.

I do know that there have been players who’ve told teams not to list their legitimate weight or height because of the preconceived notions that go with those numbers.

Q: Dear Doug,
Thanks again for your wisdom. A totally different question this time. From my distant recliner in Vancouver, it seems to me that the Blue Jays are different from the Raptors in that they are able to attract players and the umpires don’t seem to mind coming to Canada.

Is my perception true? If so, is it because the players and umps stay for 3 days rather than in and out? Or, does the fact that the NBA stars are dominantly Americans whereas baseball stars are more international?
Thanks again,

A: I don’t think anyone balks at coming to the country for a regular season game or series – Toronto’s always been a favourite city to visit. There was a time when NBA players unfamiliar with Canada didn’t want to move here for an entire season.

That’s done with now and not a factor.

I don’t know this to be 100 per cent true but I’d think baseball players – especially those from the Caribbean or Latin America – are more used to living a new culture than those from the States and would be more amenable to something new.

Q: Hi Doug,

With March Madness upon us, thought you would like to hear some NCAA questions and comments.

The NCAA platform and landscape has changed in the past few years and will continue to change more over the next few years.

There is the Transfer Portal for players where there is no longer a waiting period if they want to change Schools.   It’s almost like Free Agency after every year.

Also, the effect of NIL (name, image, likeness) allowing players to benefit monetarily, is still to be seen.

What is to stop a school booster from hiring a Star Player to represent his/her Company and paying them $1 million for this service.

Is there a limit to the monetary amount of NIL and how does the NCAA police this?

Large, rich schools with rich alumni will have no problem doing this.

Is there anywhere where these NIL figures are made Open and available to the public?

Maybe it’s about time that the NCAA scam is put to an end and that the top star athletes are shown to be what they are  –  PROFESSIONALS and students in name only.

Just wondering what your thoughts are on this and has the Genie been released from the bottle with all these recent changes.


A: I have so little interest in or knowledge of the NIL thing I cannot help you with any details. I honestly could not care less because the NCAA – basketball and football primarily – have been pro leagues for decades and this just codifies what’s always been going on under the table.

Q: Sir: Do you read these questions as they come in or all at once? Also, have you ever had a player/coach/front office person comment on any of the questions/answers?

Paul M

A: I glance quickly at them during the week but usually wait until Friday before putting the file all together and giving them a deeper read.

Sure, I get comments from people at the Raptors if I’ve made a mistake in some fact or missed a point and I welcome it because it means they are reading.

Q: Hi Doug,

Hope you are enjoying the madness that is March! Don’t fill up on green beer and Shamrock Shakes from Mickey D’s!

A couple of nice wins and hope is renewed for the final dozen games!

Some questions:

1) Not much was said, but the Raptors sent most of the kids (minus Malachi) to the 905 prior to the road trip, I assume for playing time.  Do you think Nick will roll 10/11 strong from here on in? Was sending the kids away a bad idea?

2) Has Pascal being playing poorly (as some have suggested recently) or is it more a matter of Jakob getting points and rebounds that previous Pascal would have made? Of course, Jakob gets his own points and rebounds due to his unique skillset/size.

3) Speaking of Jakob, how much do you think the loss to Utah a while back pushed Masai & Bobby to get him?  (Their bigs brutalized us!) Similarly, having seen OKC , do you think they realize a sturdy big like Jakob could be exactly what they need? (they have two thin, young 7-footers injured right now)

4) How much of March Madness do you follow, and is so, by what means and how closely? The tournament is 63 games from start to finish, waht or who do you pick and choose to follow?

Thanks for your insightful articles and their consistent high quality!

Bernie M

A: The young players had to go play, letting them play in the G League was the only way that was going to happen. The Raptors have settled on a nine-man rotation, barring injury, and none of them were going to be in it.

Pascal was not playing poorly so the question is moot. His energy might have lagged in short bits but that’s it.

Yes, the Utah game exposed flaws in the roster but management, the coaches, the players, and we all knew about them so I can’t say one game was the trigger.

March Madness is usually background noise at home or muted video when I’m out. I said this to someone Day 1: “I cannot imagine how NBA executives watch this stuff all season. I have so much more respect for them now.”

Q: This has always puzzled me, to my knowledge Boucher has not only never played for Canada’s national team, but it isn’t even a talking point.

I don’t get it, is he Canadian? As I know he is from Montreal and if so why isn’t it a talking point.

He would be a useful player with his length, rebounding, motor, ability to spread the floor etc. but he is never in the discussion, and seems to be given a pass. It has me flummoxed..

Doug B

A: Chris was actually born in St. Lucia and has always preferred to have his summers to himself. We wrote about the one year he was in camp and left at the last minute – 2018 maybe? – but it’s been a non-story since then.

Q: Hey Doug. Never miss your column (well, delivery issues with a couple of snowstorms aside).

I’m wondering if you’d agree that the main problem with the Raptors is simply that they are still a bit young. Average age is 25 (maybe Will Barton changed that a bit). The average age of most NBA Champions averages out at 27 or 28 years. The youngest ever NBA champion’s average age was 26, the Showtime Lakers. The oldest champion’s average age was 30 years. Since there has never been an NBA champion at an average age of 25, this year’s Raptors are set to join every other NBA team with an average age of 25 in failing to do so. Ever. If they keep the team together for next year, I don’t think they are the Showtime Lakers so we can mark them down as not winning next year at 26 years average age either. But in 2024-25? I think 2 years of keeping this team together would give them a real good shot at a championship, and then a continued run from 2024 through to 2028. The oldest person of the core group would be Fred at 35 in 2028, which is the age of Steph Curry now, and Durant is 34 now. Given how many close games they lost this year, wouldn’t a couple years of playing together turn those losses into wins? Of course nothing is guaranteed (and I’m not a cap guy so I admit I’m not sure how that would be affected, I’ll leave that up to Masai and Bobby) but it seems like a logical path that they are on – create a strong core and grow with them (Scottie has potential to be really special), adding minor pieces here and there, developing your own talent along the way as they gain more experience (i.e. Gary, Precious, and Christian). I guess I was the only one who was super excited what Masai and Bobby did at the trade deadline – they kept everybody important and still added a huge piece (Jacob), not for this year since an average 25 year old team is never going to win, or even next year, but I think the years after that will be incredible. I know trades are the sexy and fun way to do things, but it’ s like with personal relationships, there’s always someone out there who seems exciting and fresh, but until you are ready to put in the work with your wife, husband, or whatever, you’re not going to have the results you want. Marriage is hard.

So is building a champion (actually probably most things worth doing are hard, but that’s for another day). Sometimes trades work out instantly (Raps 2019), but most of the time they fail – for almost everyone. I prefer what the Spurs did in the recent past, with consistently good teams, drafting well (I know Kawhi was a Pacers draft pick but really the Spurs) and always putting out good teams with winning always a part of the culture. In fact, had they not had the problem with Kawhi they might still be a contender.

Kinda long winded but isn’t average age a key issue and don’t the Raptors just need more time together to be a real contender?

Peter Sundiata

A: Yes, very long-winded and I don’t think anyone can unequivocally say there’s a chronological age but I tend to agree that it takes a few years for a group to grow together but there also needs to be bits added each an every year, It’s how many and in what role that matters.


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