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HomeWorldN.B. and N.S. premiers to apply for federal funding to protect crucial...

N.B. and N.S. premiers to apply for federal funding to protect crucial isthmus

MONCTON, N.B. – The premiers of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia say they will apply for federal funding to help protect a vital land corridor linking the two provinces.

But they are also threatening to go to court to force the federal government to pay the project’s entire cost, which has now ballooned to nearly $700 million.

Facing a Wednesday deadline to qualify for funding under the federal Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund, New Brunswick’s Blaine Higgs and Nova Scotia’s Tim Houston today said their provinces will apply for the $200 million currently offered by Ottawa to strengthen the dike system on the Chignecto Isthmus.

The premiers say the federal government has a constitutional obligation to pay for the work under its responsibility for regulating interprovincial transportation and communications infrastructure and enterprises.

However, Higgs says that while the courts’ interpretation of the Constitution is important to ensure the financial burden is borne fairly, it would be imprudent to pass up the funding on offer.

Higgs says inflation has driven the price tag — until recently estimated at $400 million — up to $685 million.

Federal Infrastructure Minister Dominic LeBlanc told a news conference the government will study proposals for protecting the isthmus from rising seas and work with the provinces to find a solution.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published July 18, 2023.


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