Tuesday’s episode of Bigg Boss 16 was full of entertainment. We not only saw two contestants entering the show as wild cards but the housemates also got a chance to regain the lost prize money amount of Rs 25 lakh. Besides this, we also saw a minor argument between Archana Gautam and Shiv Thakare over chapatis. Not just this, but Priyanka Chahar Choudhary also broke down during the episode while talking about her close friend Ankit Gupta. Here’s what you must know about the recent episode of Bigg Boss 16:
Golden Boys Are Here As Wild Card Contestants
During Tuesday’s episode of Bigg Boss 16, we saw Golden Boys aka Sunny Nanasaheb Waghchoure and Sanjay Gujar entering the show as wild card contestants. The two are called ‘golden boys’ owing to their love for chunky gold necklaces and bracelets. With their entry, it was also announced that the housemates now have a chance to regain Rs 25 lakh from the lost prize money. This task will be spanned across days.
For the same, the activity area of the Bigg Boss 16 house has been designed as a safe. It has a mountain of gold coins worth Rs 25 lakh. In order to reclaim these coins, housemates will have to crack a seven-digit passcode. Wondering how? Bigg Boss will share tasks at different intervals of time which will help contestants to find the code.
Archana Gautam Vs Shiv Thakare Over Rotis
Meanwhile, during the episode, we also saw an argument between Archana Gautam and Shiv Thakare. It all started after Archana complained to Soundarya about chapatis being made from the previous night’s dough. She decides to pick chapatis from Shiv Thakare, Sajid Khan, Abdu Rozik and MC Stan’s plate. This left Shiv furious, who lashed out at the actress-turned-politician and asked her to be human.
Priyanka Choudhary Breaks Down
During the episode, Priyanka Choudhary broke down in tears during her conversation with co-contestant Soundarya Sharma. She talked about not knowing what to do and added that she is being portrayed in the wrong way irrespective of what she does. “Disturb ho rahi hu main, something is happening. I don’t know,” she told Soundarya.
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