Saturday, July 27, 2024


If you add 2 plus 0 plus 2 plus 3 you get the number 7, and this is one of the most mystical and spiritual numbers that we can find all around us. Kike the 7 days of the week, the 7 chakras in the body, the 7 colours of the rainbow, 7 stars of Pleiades, 7 musical notes of the major octave chord, 7 angels, 7 gates of heaven in Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Islam; I could go on and on, but you get the point.

The planet associated with this number is Ketu or the South Node of the Moon. Ketu is the Tail of the Serpent and Rahu is the head; he is fiery, hot, dry, sharp and malefic mostly. Ketu is the principle of subtraction, so this energy can bring challenges and disappointments, but if we move beyond dualities, we realize that Ketu provides us the fuel to light up our spiritual nature and bring positive changes in our lives.

The 7th sign of the natural zodiac is Libra which is about relationships, money, fun and business and as destiny would have it, Ketu is transiting through this very sign and is here to impart some soul Gnosis. Ketu helps us journey through liminal spaces within and without and guides us through times of uncertainty and distress, like when we’re getting a divorce or moving to another country. Such experiences create the feeling of liminality in our psyche and we feel unease and stress as we wait for the next phase of life to start. The fire of Ketu can help us transition.

The card number 7 of Tarot is the Chariot and the keywords to express the meaning are victory, will, self-assertion and mastery of emotions. It’s a time to go forward, but you have to understand that the journey is the key to growth, the destination does not matter in the long run!

How can we make use of this number 7?

7 important things for 2023


It is our dharma to live in accordance to the cosmic laws and the laws of nature. We are but an amalgamation of the five elements of air, fire, water, earth and ether and when our time is up, return we shall to these five! We have to figure out what is “right” for us. The universe is giving us the opportunity to align with the Higher Realities and we must surrender to love and kindness. We are oceans of love and bliss and this physical world is but an illusion, a maya! Scientists say that we might be living in a simulation and not in the base reality! Maybe the future descendants of humanity are Transhumans attempting to understand their ancestor via this Ancestor simulation and maybe these post-humans are attempting to understand this very elusive quality of kindness. Why not give them a show and a half?


As Dostoevsky propounded the theory that the cause of our suffering is our excessive efforts; it is because we try too hard when all we need to do is surrender! We know we cannot control a thing, then why torture ourselves by trying to change the course of events? Suffering can be treated, if we are mindful. We can “go with the flow”, but we also need to be mindful about where we want to go. Suffering is a human condition and this emphasizes the importance of living life as an unending journey. It is the search for answers that is more important than the answer itself! Life is a mystery and with mindfulness we can enjoy the thrills and the drama without succumbing to despair and depression.


As we transition from childhood to adulthood, we lose our curiosity. We either tend to think we know everything there is to know or we’re simply not interested in what others have to say. We become apathetic and dull. We need to bring “play” back into our lives. Through play we express ourselves and our creativity because during play we break out of the established set patterns of behaviour we’ve grown accustomed to. Keep the ego locked up in the basement and go exploring, like a little child. “Discover” things and change the way you experience every-day. Get curious to know more about yourself or the Universe. Ask questions and google endlessly.


Not just through social media! Try calling people once in a while, even if you’re an INFJ in the Myers Briggs chart and please pick up if someone calls. Likes on Facebook or Insta are too clinical and it doesn’t give us the chance to express ourselves fully. If you have something to say to a loved one, then do without tip toeing around them. Bring clarity and compassion in the way you communicate. Let’s develop intimacy with words and ideas in this “pale blue dot” we humans share as a home.


As you’re ready to share the real you with the world, you have to be ready to understand others and only then will others try to understand you. The process of understanding is at the crux of love, it is the heart of love. If you love someone, you’d want to understand them and you’d want them to understand you. No real intimacy can be developed without mutual understanding. I’m not asking you to turn a blind eye to obvious faults and bad behaviour, on the contrary. Understanding someone means to look deeply into another’s soul and acknowledge that you both share this intimate human connection which is rare.


This simple feeling of being thankful for what you have and not take it for granted changes your brain chemistry and releases feel-good chemicals. Think of what you have to be grateful for and say a silent “Thank You” to the Universe. You’ll immediately begin to feel a lightness and if you establish this as a daily practice, especially in times of adversity, you’ll see a marked change in your mind, body and soul. Bless others less fortunate and smile!


If you feel that you need to change certain behaviours or attributes, then do something about it. Want to lose weight? Go for a walk or dance. Want to focus better? Meditate everyday. Want to control stress? Then watch your breath and balance it. Don’t depend on anti-depressants or intoxicants. Don’t know where to start? Get a Kerala Ayurvedic massage and try to connect to your body parts by touching or tapping.

The article has been authored by Tina Mukerji, a soul guide working with Astrology, Tarot, Psychism, Yoga, Tantra, Breathwork and Mantras. She works to discover the inherent archetypes, by studying astrological charts.

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