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World Liver Day 2023: 5 Yoga Asanas To Boost Liver Health And Stay Fit

Yoga for liver health | Asanas, Benefits and Risks

Because it is in charge of detoxifying our bodies, the liver is like the plumbing system of our bodies. We regularly put substances into our bodies through the food and water we consume, which may not always be healthy. The liver is responsible for helping the body get rid of wastes, poisons, and carcinogens. We must take care of this vital organ to maintain our health, and yoga is the ideal exercise to detoxify and stimulate the liver. Downward Dog, Child’s Pose, and Locust Pose are examples of specialised yoga asanas that gently massage, stimulate, stretch, and strengthen the liver.

Yoga breathing techniques called pranayama are used to improve liver health. Poor liver health can result in problems including liver cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis, and other illnesses. Regular Kapalbhati Pranayama and Anulom Vilom practise can effectively treat a range of liver issues.

Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions




Formation of the posture

•            Slowly drop your knees on your mat

•            Place your pelvis on your heels and point your toes outward

•            Keep your heels close to each other

•            Place your right palm on your navel and your left palm on top of the right

•            Exhale and bend down

•            Inhale and come up


Adomukhi Svanasana

Formation of the posture

 Begin on all fours, making sure that your palms are beneath your shoulders and your knees are below your hips. Then, lift your hips up, straighten your knees and elbows, and form an inverted “V.” Finally, keep your hands shoulder-width apart. Hold for eight to ten breaths while keeping your eyes on your big toes and pointing your fingers forward. Strive to push your heels all the way to the floor.


Shalabasana (Locust Pose)


Formation of the posture:


• Lay on your stomach with your palms behind your thighs. • Take a deep breath in (Purak), hold it for a moment (Kumbakh), and then lift both of your legs up at the same time. Put your chin or forehead on the ground. • Make sure your knees are straight and your feet are together.

Pranayama Technique

Kapal Bhati

“Kapal” means “skull” and “bhati” means “shining” or “illuminating” in Sanskrit. The Skull Shining Breathing Method is another name for this Kapalbhati Pranayam.


Straighten your back, close your eyes, sit comfortably (for example, in Sukhasan, Ardhapadmasan, or Padmasana), place your palms on your knees with the thumbs facing up (in Prapthi Mudra), and sit in any comfortable position. • You can forcefully expel all the air from the diaphragm and lungs by compressing your stomach; • Inhale normally and focus on exhaling with a short, rhythmic breath;

Bheej Dhyan/Seed Meditation

Aarambh Dhyan, sometimes referred to as Seed Meditation, and Beej Dhyan both mean “seed” or “origin.” This method establishes the groundwork for your meditation routine. With the aid of this approach, the practitioner can cultivate contemplative energies that support the body’s natural meditative state.

Yoga not only improves liver health, but it also helps the liver and spleen work better. You can begin slowly by meditating and doing these breathing exercises for three to five minutes, and as you build confidence, you can extend the time.


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