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Winter asthma triggers and preventative measures

Although a welcome change, winter can be a tough season to adjust to as with the sudden drop in temperature accompanied by cold winds and dry air, winter can have an intense impact on our airways. While for most of us it could lead to sore throats and runny noses to those suffering with asthma it can make it harder to control symptoms and manage their condition.

From dry and irritated airways to exposure to cold and flu viruses that are characteristic of this time of year – continuous exposure to cold air not only worsens pre-existing respiratory conditions but also can lead to newer cases of weather-induced asthma. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Arjun Khanna, Head of the Department and Senior Consultant at Department of Pulmonary Medicine, explained, “Asthma causes inflammation in the airways (bronchial tubes), making them narrower and leading to breathlessness, wheezing, and coughing-like symptoms in response to certain triggers and to most asthmatics, cold air is a common trigger.”

He elaborated, “Direct and continuous exposure to cold air causes their already-vulnerable bronchial passages to spasm and close. Due to this, they experience exacerbated symptoms and are more vulnerable to asthma attacks. In fact, cold air exposure, can even cause allergy related asthma attacks on account of the production of histamines in airways. Therefore, as a first step, preventive measures should be followed like – getting a flu vaccine, limiting outside time especially when temperatures drop significantly e.g., late night and early morning, using a mask and scarf to cover your nose and mouth. This should be combined with a ready action plan prepared in consultation with your doctor, an inhaler as per doctor’s recommendation and taking regular inhalation therapy as prescribed by your doctor. Additionally, a peak flow meter can also be used to monitor your lung health and manage your condition better. A peak flow meter assesses how fast you can push air out of your lungs while exhaling. It helps understand the strength of your lungs and the openness of the airways.”

According to Dr Piyush Goel, Consultant, Pulmonology at Manipal Hospitals in Gurugram, patients with asthma can have asthma exacerbation in view of multiple causes. He said, “First and foremost is the presence of seasonal viral infection commonly flu which can cause worsening of stable asthma. Secondly, it can also be triggered due to high pollution levels (outdoor and indoor pollution) and smog outside. For prevention, the first step is to give annual influenza vaccination before the start of winter, especially in elderly patients with comorbidities. Also, it is important in kids and adults who have a history of lung disease and various other comorbidities, to wear masks, and maintain proper hand hygiene. Precaution in these patients is important as it will prevent getting infections and pollution inside the lungs which trigger asthma.”

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