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Will House Republicans agree on a funding bill before midnight? Here are 10 rundowns on imminent U.S. shutdown

As the clock ticks toward the midnight deadline on Saturday, when the U.S. government will run out of money, federal agencies are getting ready for a possible shutdown.

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 25: The US Capitol is seen at sunrise on September 30, 2023 in Washington, DC. The government is expected to enter a shutdown at midnight if a last-minute budget deal is not reached by the House on Saturday. Nathan Howard/Getty Images/AFP (Photo by Nathan Howard / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)(Getty Images via AFP)
WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 25: The US Capitol is seen at sunrise on September 30, 2023 in Washington, DC. The government is expected to enter a shutdown at midnight if a last-minute budget deal is not reached by the House on Saturday. Nathan Howard/Getty Images/AFP (Photo by Nathan Howard / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)(Getty Images via AFP)

Meanwhile, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is trying to prevent it by proposing a 45-day stopgap funding bill that includes the disaster relief that the White House asked for.

McCarthy said that the House would vote on his bill on Saturday, and added, “If I have to risk my job for standing up for the American public, I will do that.”

He was responding to a question about whether he was worried that some of his fellow Republicans, such as Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, could try to remove him over this bill.

The spending impasse in Congress has been partly caused by divisions within the House Republican caucus.

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On Saturday morning, House Republicans were still debating among themselves about how to move forward. Some Republicans, especially those with experience in budget matters and those who represent competitive districts, urged their colleagues to support the 45-day funding bill and bring it to the floor for a vote.

Here’s a concise 10-pointer on the U.S. government shutdown:

  1. Shutdown looms: The U.S. government is on the brink of a shutdown due to a funding deadline that expires at midnight on Saturday, 30 September 2023.
  2. Last-minute effort: House Speaker McCarthy is making a last-minute push to avoid the lapse in funding. He has announced a vote on a 45-day short-term spending bill on Saturday.
  3. Threats to McCarthy: The House Speaker faces threats from within his own party, particularly from hardline conservatives like Rep. Matt Gaetz, who may move to oust him over the proposed bill.
  4. House GOP infighting: Several disagreements among House Republicans have played a central role in the funding standoff, and it’s unclear how the issue will be resolved.
  5. Shutdown impact: A government shutdown would have significant consequences, affecting air travel, and clean drinking water, and halting many government operations, although essential public safety services would continue.
  6. Senate’s Bipartisan bill: The Senate has proposed a bipartisan bill to fund the government through November 17. This bill includes additional funds for Ukraine aid, a point of contention with some House Republicans.
  7. Ukraine aid debate: McCarthy argues that aid to Ukraine should be dropped from the Senate bill, while some Republicans oppose further support to the war-torn country.
  8. Border security complication: Border security has become a complicating factor for the Senate bill, with some Republicans pushing for amendments to address this issue.
  9. Procedural delays: Senator Rand Paul is vowing to slow down the Senate’s bill over objections to its funding for the war in Ukraine, potentially delaying the process beyond the shutdown deadline.
  10. Uncertain resolution: As the deadline looms, it remains uncertain how the government funding issue will be resolved, with both chambers of Congress scheduled to be in session on Saturday to address the situation.
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