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What are cataracts and how they can be treated

A cataract is the clouding of natural lens of the eye which may eventually affect your vision and even cause blindness if not treated. In fact, cataract is the leading cause of blindness in people. Cataract makes it difficult for you to read, drive a car or see expression on a friend’s face. While elderly people are more likely to suffer from this condition, younger people too can get it. Cataract may develop after an eye injury, as a result of inflammation, glaucoma or diabetes. Cataracts are also associated with steroid use or may develop after exposure to radiation. Cataract can be treated effectively with surgery and in most cases, the vision improves. (Also read: What is thyroid eye disease? Know symptoms and preventive measures)

Cataract makes it difficult for you to read, drive a car or see expression on a friend’s face. (Pixabay)

“Millions of individuals throughout the world suffer from cataract, which is a prevalent eye condition. The natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy that causes sensitivity to light, fuzzy vision, and troubled vision at night. Although elderly people are more likely to get cataracts, younger people can also be affected. It’s a good thing that several efficient therapies are available to help control cataracts and restore visual clarity,” says Dr Siddhi Goel, Consultant – Ophthalmology, Asian Hospital Faridabad.

What are cataracts?

The native lens of the eye is mainly composed of water and protein. As we age, the protein in our lenses may start to clump together, creating small clusters that may eventually grow bigger. Cataracts are the medical term for this lens clouding. Cataracts can form in one or both eyes and can happen in different areas of the lens.

Symptoms of cataract

Dr Goel says that while cataracts may not present with any symptoms in the early phases, as they progress, the eyesight may start to suffer.

A few typical symptoms of cataract include:

• Blurred or cloudy vision

• Double vision in one eye

• Seeing halos around lights

• Increased sensitivity to light

• Difficulty seeing at night

• Colours may appear faded or yellowed

• Need for brighter light when reading

How are cataracts treated

Cataracts can only be treated with the help of surgery where cloudy lens is removed and is replaced by an artificial lens. Over 95% of patients who undergo cataract surgery report improved eyesight following the procedure.

Dr Goel says there are two types of cataract surgeries people can opt for.

“Traditional cataract surgery and cataract surgery with laser assistance are the two primary types of cataract surgery. The cloudy lens is broken up using ultrasound waves in conventional cataract surgery, which entails creating a tiny incision in the eye. The cloudy lens is then removed, and an intraocular lens is put in its place,” says the expert.

“Laser-assisted cataract surgery is a newer technique that uses a laser to create a small incision in the eye and soften the cataract. This makes it easier to remove the lens fragments and reduces the need for ultrasound energy. Laser-assisted cataract surgery is a more precise and accurate method of cataract surgery, and it can result in a faster recovery time,” adds Dr Goel.

Post-surgery care

After cataract surgery, patients may need to wear an eye patch or protective shield for a few days. They need to use eye drops to help prevent infection and reduce inflammation. Most patients can resume their normal activities within a few days to a week after surgery.

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