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Vesta’s transit to Cancer zodiac sign: How to manifest something based on your zodiac sign on September 13, 2023

On Wednesday, September 13, the asteroid Vesta, which represents your spiritual essence, sacredness, and dedication, moves into the zodiac sign of Cancer. This shift encourages you to reconnect with your inner truth. It’s not about forcefulness or being loud; instead, it’s about finding peace within yourself and understanding that by being your authentic self, you can attract what you desire.

In Cancer, Vesta helps you connect more deeply with your emotions and the needs of your pursuits or relationships. (Representational Image)(Pixabay)

In Cancer, Vesta helps you connect more deeply with your emotions and the needs of your pursuits or relationships. This shift signifies a significant change in your focus. At the same time, asteroid Pallas, associated with wisdom and knowledge, enters Libra, promoting diplomacy, fairness, and collaboration.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

How to Manifest: Healing Your Home

To make your life better today, focus on healing your home and family relationships. You can do this by taking care of yourself. Start by making a special mixture of cardamom, mint, and balsam. Light some chamomile incense, and as it burns, clean yourself and your home while saying a special phrase. After the incense cools, sprinkle the ashes and black salt on your doorstep to protect your home.

Daily Affirmation: I am making myself better, and in doing so, I am making my home and family better.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

How to Manifest: Self-love

To improve your life, you should focus on loving yourself more. Light a pink candle and write a positive statement about yourself. Wrap it around a strawberry and tie it with a pink ribbon. Put it near the candle and let it burn all the way. Then, return everything back to the earth.

Daily Affirmation: I love myself deeply, and I give myself the care I need to feel my best.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

How to Manifest: Embracing Your Inner Worth

Think about how special you are and how you deserve love and kindness. Make a special oil mixture with almond oil, grapefruit, and balsam oils. Put a few drops on your forehead and wrists while saying something nice about yourself.

Daily Affirmation: I am a special person who deserves love, kindness, care, and understanding.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

How to Manifest: Focusing on Yourself

Today, make it about you and your dreams. Write down something good about yourself on a mint leaf and wrap it around a rose quartz stone with a white ribbon. Put some grapefruit oil on it while saying something nice, then put it under your pillow for the night.

Daily Affirmation: I am taking care of myself and my dreams. I am living my true purpose.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

How to Manifest: Forgiveness

Let go of the past by forgiving yourself and others. Go outside in the moonlight and set up a special place with a blue candle, cardamom seeds, and rose quartz. Pass each cardamom seed over the flame to let go of old hurts. Let the candle burn down and then cover the special place with soil.

Daily Affirmation: I forgive myself and others for any past hurts. I am ready to start a new chapter in my life.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

How to Manifest: Attracting Positive Connections

Think about the people you want in your life who will help you grow and learn. Make a special jar with cardamom, mint, and rose quartz. Seal it with wax and put it by a west-facing window.

Daily Affirmation: I welcome positive connections that will help me become a better person.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

How to Manifest: Positive Changes in Your Career

Today, focus on making your work life better. Make a special place in your garden with a violet candle and holly. Write down something good about your career on a bay leaf and burn it while saying your affirmation. Let the ashes return to the earth.

Daily Affirmation: I am getting ready for positive changes in my career. I am aligning my work with my soul’s purpose.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

How to Manifest: Embrace Taking Risks

Today is a good day to take some risks and try new things to bring more into your life. Make a special thing to carry with you using driftwood. Carve a symbol for safety on it, and put cardamom oil on it. Keep it with you to inspire you to take more risks.

Daily Affirmation: I am safe to take risks and try new things. I am moving towards more abundance.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

How to Manifest: Vulnerability in Relationships

To make your relationships better, focus on being more open with your emotions. Make a special offering with a peach pit, cardamom, mint, and cinnamon. Burn it while saying something good, and then pour water on it and return it to the earth under a rose bush.

Daily Affirmation: I practice being open in my relationships and connecting with others in a deeper way.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

How to Manifest: More Romance in Your Life

Think about how you can bring more romance into your relationship. Make a special tea with mint, lemon balm, and lavender. Sprinkle white rose petals around your cup and light a green candle. As you drink your tea, think about something nice about your relationship.

Daily Affirmation: I am bringing more romance into my relationship by taking care of myself and my partner.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

How to Manifest: Self-care

Today, focus on taking care of yourself. Draw a warm bath and make a special tea with jasmine, apples, pomegranate seeds, and mint. Light a white candle and relax in the bath while repeating something nice about yourself.

Daily Affirmation: I am taking time for self-care and enjoying the peace and joy it brings.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

How to Manifest: Commitment to Your Dreams

Think about your dreams and how you can make them come true. Make a special offering with a violet candle, cardamom, thyme, amethyst, and a white feather. Burn the candle while saying something positive and leave everything in the moonlight before returning it to your altar.

Daily Affirmation: I am committed to making all my dreams come true and creating a happy life.

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