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HomeLife StyleUnderstanding Dehydration: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention - News18

Understanding Dehydration: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention – News18

Dehydration can take a toll on the body.

You can develop dehydration if you do not replenish lost fluids and essential nutrients.

When your body loses or uses more fluid than it takes in, it becomes dehydrated and is unable to operate normally due to a shortage of water and other fluids. You can develop dehydration if you do not replenish lost fluids and essential nutrients.


Dr Pooja Singh, MS Clinical Research, Fast&Up, says, “In general, chronic illnesses and drugs taken by children and older adults during the recovery phase of severe conditions are linked to dehydration. However, dehydration can be brought on by an excessive loss of water and minerals in common medical diseases including diarrhoea, extreme heat, and dehydration from not drinking enough water in hot weather, especially when engaging in strenuous exercise.”

Infant or young child:

• Dry mouth and tongue

• No tears when crying

• No wet diapers for three hours

• Sunken eyes, cheeks

• Sunken soft spot on top of skull

• Listlessness or irritability


• Extreme thirst

• Less frequent urination

• Dark-coloured urine

• Fatigue

• Dizziness

• Confusion


Dr Singh shares the easiest and most affordable ways to hydrate ourselves this summer especially the ones who are working and the athletes playing this season.

  1. WaterOne of the myths is that drinking an ample amount of water will help you hydrate.A big NO. Of course, we need water for hydration but not alone water would do the trick here.
  2. Minerals Electrolytes added to water will do what’s needed to maintain a good acidic alkaline and electrolyte balance in the body. Electrolytes are minerals that carry electricity-charged ions dissolved in a polar solvent, such as water. In addition, they aid in regulating vital activities in your body. Major minerals include calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, and phosphorus. We need these ions to reach the organs that lead to improved oxygenation thus helping to keep ourselves fit mentally & physically in this rising temperature (managing parameters like B.P. Pulse rate heart rate etc)

Best forms of high electrolyte and mineral fluid options

  1. Coconut water
  2. Gatorade & Powerade: one of the best forms as these are low on sugar levels.
  3. Milk: yoghurt is one of the best forms of milk-related electrolyte products. Also, smoothies made of nuts fruits and veggies add to the mineral & electrolyte-balance
  4. Tablet-infused water: electrolyte tablets like the effervescent ones are easier to carry and use, especially when one is travelling and outdoors most of the time.
  5. Fruit juices: the best fruits here are the ones with less fructose level and more hydration. Watermelon juice works wonders in such times

For working out men & women:

The above can be followed but along with the following points to consider:

  1. The time of working out: Trying to avoid workouts during the time of the hottest time of the day
  2. Type of workouts: As per your electrolyte and internal organ hydration. Try to keep your types of workouts like cardio low or high intensity to avoid fluid depletion.
  3. Recovery: Having a good balanced meal and sleep is extremely important to keep the body and mind fit especially during this summer time.
  4. Have fun: Keep yourself light by eating less heavily digested food and more hydration.

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