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The dark side of positivity: Signs of toxic positivity and how to avoid it

Published on Apr 25, 2023 11:18 AM IST

  • Remaining optimistic in the face of adversity is seen as a strength, and people who are consistently positive are admired. But is there a thing as too much?

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Published on Apr 25, 2023 11:18 AM IST

Ignoring Negative Emotions: One of the most common signs of toxic positivity is ignoring or dismissing negative emotions. People who are too positive will often try to ignore or minimize negative feelings in themselves or others. However, true positivity acknowledges the reality of negative emotions and allows room for them to be felt and expressed.(Unsplash)

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Invalidating Struggles: Another sign of toxic positivity is invalidating struggles. When someone dismisses or minimizes another person's struggles or hardships, they may be unintentionally invalidating the other person's experiences. This can lead to feelings of isolation and can harm relationships.(Unsplash)

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Published on Apr 25, 2023 11:18 AM IST

Invalidating Struggles: Another sign of toxic positivity is invalidating struggles. When someone dismisses or minimizes another person’s struggles or hardships, they may be unintentionally invalidating the other person’s experiences. This can lead to feelings of isolation and can harm relationships.(Unsplash)

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Forcing Positivity: Sometimes, people who are overly positive will try to force their optimism onto others. This can be damaging, as it ignores the fact that everyone has their own emotional journey. Respect everyone's emotions and allow them to feel what they need to feel.(Unsplash)

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Published on Apr 25, 2023 11:18 AM IST

Forcing Positivity: Sometimes, people who are overly positive will try to force their optimism onto others. This can be damaging, as it ignores the fact that everyone has their own emotional journey. Respect everyone’s emotions and allow them to feel what they need to feel.(Unsplash)

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Minimising Grief: Finally, toxic positivity can be seen when people minimize grief. When someone is grieving a loss or dealing with a difficult situation, others may try to focus on the silver lining or find a positive spin to put on the situation. This doesn't allow someone time to grieve, and can be harmful. Everyone should be given time to grieve in their own way.(Unsplash)

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Published on Apr 25, 2023 11:18 AM IST

Minimising Grief: Finally, toxic positivity can be seen when people minimize grief. When someone is grieving a loss or dealing with a difficult situation, others may try to focus on the silver lining or find a positive spin to put on the situation. This doesn’t allow someone time to grieve, and can be harmful. Everyone should be given time to grieve in their own way.(Unsplash)


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