Home Life Style Tarot cards and Zodiac signs: What can be your tarot card as per your zodiac sign?

Tarot cards and Zodiac signs: What can be your tarot card as per your zodiac sign?

Tarot cards and Zodiac signs: What can be your tarot card as per your zodiac sign?


In astrology, each zodiac sign has a special card in the Major Arcana of tarot cards. These cards help us connect what’s happening in the sky with what we can learn about ourselves. Let’s explore how these cards in the tarot deck will relate to the twelve zodiac signs and what interesting things they have to tell us.

Let's read about the tarot cards which align with your zodiac sign.(Pixabay)
Let’s read about the tarot cards which align with your zodiac sign.(Pixabay)

ARIES (March 21 – April 19) – The Emperor

Aries is symbolized by The Emperor card, which portrays a strong and wise man seated on a throne adorned with ram heads, a nod to the Aries symbol. The card represents qualities of leadership and protection, reminiscent of the archetype of a father figure. It emphasizes the importance of wielding power with a clear purpose, as Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of drive and desire. Both the sign and the card teach us that true power must be used to serve the collective and not just for personal gain.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20) – The Hierophant

The fixed earth sign of Taurus is associated with The Hierophant card. This card depicts an individual holding religious authority and symbolizes the initiation into sacred knowledge. The Hierophant sits between two temple columns, representing the balance between the concrete and the esoteric. With a three-tiered crown and symbols of religious authority, this card emphasizes the need for Taurus to bridge the gap between the sacred and the ordinary, keeping a connection to higher wisdom while staying grounded.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) – The Lovers:

Gemini corresponds to The Lovers card, featuring the iconic image of Adam and Eve beneath two trees. The card represents the concept of reconciling opposites, balancing material and immaterial aspects of life. It encourages considering both the tangible and intangible when making choices and highlights the idea of life and the universe as reflections of the self. The Lovers card emphasizes the importance of integration and harmony.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22) – The Chariot

Cancer is represented by The Chariot card, which depicts an armoured charioteer being led by two sphinxes. These mythical creatures symbolize the internal and external forces that the charioteer must master to move forward. The card highlights the challenge of balancing opposites such as the conscious and unconscious, the masculine and feminine. It also includes a river, representing Cancer’s element of water and the need to change direction when necessary.

LEO (July 23 – August 22) – Strength

In the Major Arcana, Leo is associated with the Strength card, which portrays a woman gently taming a fierce lion. This card represents the balance between passion and inner strength, reflecting Leo’s ruler, the heart. The symbolism of the lion and the woman highlights the need for self-love and the ability to harness and control one’s desires. Leo’s connection to the number 8 is also emphasized, suggesting achievement and abundance.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22) – The Hermit

Virgo, a mutable earth sign, is represented by The Hermit card. This card shows a cloaked figure with a lantern on a solitary mountain, symbolizing the quest for wisdom through introspection. The Hermit energy encourages looking within and emphasizes that true insight comes from self-reflection. Virgo’s lesson is about finding richness in solitude and self-discovery.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22) – Justice

Libra corresponds to the Justice card, featuring an androgynous judge with scales and a sword. This card represents the balance between logic and intuition, making fair decisions based on deep inner sense of justice. Libra’s energy is all about acknowledging truth and seeking fairness. It reminds us to consider all aspects of reality, both ordinary and non-ordinary, in our quest for justice.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21) – Death

Scorpio is linked to the Death card in the tarot, which often invokes misunderstanding. However, it symbolizes the inevitability of change and transformation. The card depicts a skeletal figure riding a white horse, emphasizing the concept of shedding the old to embrace the new. Scorpio’s energy encourages us to let go of what no longer serves us and move forward with renewal.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21) – Temperance

Sagittarius corresponds to the Temperance card, featuring an angel mixing two goblets’ contents. This card symbolizes the balance between intellect and emotion, emphasizing the importance of finding harmony between stability and change. Sagittarius encourages us to blend different aspects of ourselves to achieve enlightenment and progress.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19) – The Devil

Capricorn, a cardinal earth sign, is represented by The Devil card. Despite its name, this card isn’t about evil but rather the balance between indulgence and diligence. The card depicts Pan, a playful figure, and two figures bound by loose chains, symbolizing personal responsibility for one’s liberation. Capricorn teaches that freedom involves choosing one’s own constraints.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18) – The Star

Aquarius is symbolized by The Star card, featuring a woman pouring water into a pool. This card represents balancing stability and change, hope and inspiration. It reflects Aquarius’ dual planetary influences: structured Saturn and innovative Uranus. The Star card emphasizes enlightenment and the idea that wisdom should be shared for the benefit of the community.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20) – The Moon

Pisces is associated with The Moon card, which explores shadow work, idealism, and delusion. The card shows a dog and a wolf howling at the moon, symbolizing the interplay between light and dark, consciousness and unconsciousness. Pisces teaches the importance of integrating our inner selves, intuition, and scepticism to navigate life’s mysteries.


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