Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeWorldMore snow could be on the way next week

More snow could be on the way next week

The GTA dodged back-to-back winter weather events this weekend as winds pushed back a snow squall.

The lake-effect weather event earlier forecasted for the GTA has moved to the Niagara region.

Environment Canada told the Star that remnants of the snow squalls will hit the GTA late Sunday afternoon with some flurries lasting to early morning Monday.

The week will kick off with a mix of sun and clouds extending through Wednesday, but with no significant chances of precipitation.

Temperatures will again plunge during the start of the week, dropping down to -6 C at night.

The next major weather system is forecasted for Thursday and Friday, with winds and freezing rain hitting the GTA.

Yet there’s still a high degree of uncertainty on how this event might unfold.

Environment Canada says that if the weather event unfolds as forecasted, the GTA could expect to be blanketed and could be in for a white Christmas next weekend.


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