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Hygiene and etiquettes one must follow in a professional or a personal setting

Workplace hygiene is something that we are required to know and adhere to for our own good; it is not something that is covered at orientation or taught to us. It can be difficult to maintain good hygiene in the job but that should never be an excuse for any professional.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Apoorvaa, Founder of Let’s Be Eloquent and Education and Etiquette Coach, shared some frequently forgotten workplace cleanliness suggestions:

1-Nails speak a lot about your personality

In a professional setting, how well-groomed your nails are can make a big impact. Please make sure they are properly groomed and adhere to the recommended hand hygiene guidelines.

2-Clean your glasses

Speaking with someone whose glasses are foggy or unclean is quite annoying. Please remember to clean your glasses before a meeting and keep an eyeglass cleaner in your office bag at all times.

3-Oral hygiene

Needless to say, a bad breath can ruin anyone’s day please avoid to eat food with garlic or onion before any important meeting or 1:1 interaction.

4-Clean your desk

It’s critical to thoroughly clean our workspace to get rid of old documents, unnoticed clutter, and extra stuff. A cleaner workspace allows you to draw in positive energy and improves the quality of your work.

5-Hand sanitizer is a must

Since the big Covid-19 outbreak, we have come to understand how crucial it is to often sanitise our hands. A clean and healthy workplace exudes positivity, improves performance, and creates a wonderful first impression.

Asserting that proper grooming and healthy personal habits can help you ward off illnesses and feel good about yourself, Payal Kothari, The GUT Health Nutritionist, advised, “Learn about why it’s important to wash your face regularly and important ways facial hygiene prevents disease.”

Additionally, talking about moral etiquettes, she recommended:

1-Make a first good impression

As first impressions are made within the first few seconds of meeting someone, make a good one. Standing tall, making eye contact, and smiling are all smart moves. This is true even at home; if you smile when you greet your partner, kids, and extended family, it is always appreciated and gives the impression that you are approachable and up for any fun or crisis.

2- Good Communication

It’s crucial to communicate! The way you say what you have to say is crucial and significantly affects the story and closing the sale. Never put anything in writing that you wouldn’t say out loud, whether it be via email, zoom, or face-to-face communication. even in our personal space at home. It is good to be mindful with the family and communicate well so that everyone is on the same page. If you feel it can wait, take a pause sip water then communicate.

3- Never gossip

Never talk negatively about others at work. The way you treat people, both in public and privately, says a lot about who you are as a person, so it’s a good idea to avoid engaging in such bad vibes. The same rules apply to your private life at home. To maintain a hygienic relationship between everyone, refrain from speculating about family members and partners. Although it’s easier said than done, it is possible to develop a good habit by practising mindfulness.

4-Be friendly

Be friendly yet not personal. Keep a professional distance yet ask about the health and wellness of family. That adds a good friendly touch without being too personal and over friendly.

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