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House to vote on electing conservative hardliner Jim Jordan as speaker – US politics live

Jim Jordan: far-right celebrity, election denier, ‘political terrorist’

“That fucking guy Jim Jordan”. Those five words may as well as any sum up the career of Jim Jordan, who, since arriving in the House in 2007 to represent his Ohio district, has been at the vanguard of the chamber’s right wing.

And like many of his persuasion in Congress, Donald Trump has been a boon for Jordan’s standing. He boosted his national profile as a defender of Trump during his presidency, and continued doing so after his violent departure from office, prompting Liz Cheney, a Republican antagonist who would lose her seat in Congress at Trump’s urging, to describe Jordan with the aforementioned words.

Today could end with Jordan as the 56th speaker of the House. For more on him, here’s the Guardian’s Martin Pengelly:

Jim Jordan, the Ohio congressman who is seeking to become House speaker, is a prominent celebrity on the far right of US politics – and a magnet for controversy who a former speaker from his own party once called a “political terrorist”.

Jordan, 59, was elected to Congress in 2006 from a conservative, rural district of Ohio. A high school and college wrestling champion, he made his mark on the House as a founder of the hard-right Freedom caucus, helping oust two speakers, John Boehner and Paul Ryan, who were not deemed sufficiently extreme.

But Jordan has not been free of controversy himself. He has long been dogged by questions about a sexual abuse scandal at Ohio State University, where he was a wrestling coach before he entered politics, while the full extent of his involvement in Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election, leading up to the deadly attack on Congress, remains unknown.

In the last Congress, when Democrats held the gavel, Jordan refused to cooperate with the House January 6 committee, despite being served with a subpoena.

But his involvement in Trump’s machinations has been widely reported. He is known, for instance, to have spoken with the then president on the morning of the riot.

Key events

Democrats plan to turn Jordan speakership into campaign issue – memo

If he is elected speaker, Democrats will use accusations of extremism against Jim Jordan in their campaign to retake the House majority next year, according to a memo obtained by the Guardian’s US politics live blog.

“It is imperative that our caucus makes clear to voters just how extreme Congressman Jordan is and how his Speakership would negatively impact working families across the country, threaten democratic norms, and weaken relationships with our allies,” according to the document from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which is tasked with winning the party seats in the House.

The memo, which is dated today and addressed to House Democrats, suggests a number of messages for lawmakers, including that Republicans who support Jordan are doing the bidding of Donald Trump, and that the potential speaker “has shown voters just how extreme he is and there is no indication that he’ll moderate himself in any way if he becomes speaker. In fact, he’ll pull the entire Republican caucus even further to the right.”

It also encourages lawmakers to cast the entire House GOP as in the thralls of extremists. “It appears there are no more moderates left in the Republican conference capable of standing up to the far right,” the document reads.

Democrats are four seats away from seizing the majority in next year’s elections, and to accomplish that, the DCCC is focused on ousting 18 Republican lawmakers who represent districts where votes supported Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

“The DCCC is committed to ensuring that every battleground Member of the Republican conference who stands and votes for a Speaker Jordan will be making a career ending move,” the memo concludes.

The Messenger reports that if Jim Jordan is not elected House speaker on the first round of voting, he will go to a second round, though it’s unclear if he will try to negotiate with Republican holdouts in between ballots:

Jim Jordan DOES plan to go to a second round of voting if he doesn’t secure speakership on first go around, per source familiar.

It’s unclear, though, whether they would move right into a second vote or if Jordan will break to meet with holdouts first.

Vote in a few hours.

— Stephen Neukam (@stephen_neukam) October 17, 2023

It took Kevin McCarthy 15 rounds of voting to win election as speaker in January. Jordan does not, at this point, appear to have the votes necessary to win the speaker’s gavel on the first round of voting today.

In brief remarks to reporters, Democratic lawmaker Jamie Raskin outlined the party’s view of today’s House speaker vote:

Rep. Raskin (D-MD) ahead of speaker vote: “Our position has been consistent throughout. There is a civil war taking place within the Republican party and that civil war might just turn in to a purge of any moderates… I think the GOP might be the POT, the party of Trump.”

— CSPAN (@cspan) October 17, 2023

Raskin has tangled with Jordan in the past. He was one of the lawmakers on the January 6 committee, which Jordan refused to cooperate with, and serves with Jordan on the House oversight committee, one of three bodies Republicans are using to pursue impeaching Joe Biden.

House Democrats to vote Hakeem Jeffries for speaker

Democratic lawmakers just received their marching orders from Katherine Clark, the party’s whip: vote minority leader Hakeem Jeffries for speaker.

“House Democrats are urged to vote for Leader Hakeem Jeffries for Speaker,” she wrote in an email to lawmakers.

There’s no chance of Jeffries winning the post, but voting for their guy is what lawmakers in the House minority always do. Of course, votes for House speaker usually happen at the start of a new Congress, not in the middle of one, but here we are.

The battle over speaker of the House is more or less an internal Republican affair, but as Punchbowl News reports, Democrats do have some contingency plans for today as they eye winning back the House majority in next year’s elections:

JEFFRIES in caucus this AM:

“We have two clear objectives: stop Jim Jordan from becoming Speaker, and reopen the House of Representatives so we can get back to work,” he told Dems, according to sources in room.

— Heather Caygle (@heatherscope) October 17, 2023

MORE from caucus: JEFFRIES floated idea of elevating Speaker Pro Tem McHenry

Jeffries told Dems the “specifics” are less important right now than convincing Republicans who don’t like Jordan that Dems will actually work with them

W @bresreports and @JakeSherman

— Heather Caygle (@heatherscope) October 17, 2023

Nonetheless, Kevin McCarthy is optimistic that Jim Jordan will be elected speaker of the House today.

McCarthy, who was booted from the position by eight rightwing Republican insurgents and Democrats earlier this month, elaborated in an interview with Fox News:

From CNN, here’s a rundown of Republicans expected to oppose Jim Jordan as speaker:

Ahead of speaker vote:

Don Bacon
Mike Lawler
Mike Kelly
Carlos Gimenez
Mario Diaz Balart
Ken Buck
Victoria Spartz
Steve Womack
Marianette Miller-Meeks
 Young Kim
John Rutherford
Juan Ciscomani
Tom Kean Jr

Gus Bilirakis

— Annie Grayer (@AnnieGrayerCNN) October 17, 2023

Jordan can only afford to lose four votes from Republicans. At this point, unless anyone changes their mind, he will not be elected speaker on the first ballot. The dynamics could shift, if the party elects to hold multiple rounds of voting.

And what will Democrats be doing? Voting for their minority leader Hakeem Jeffries, just like they did in January during the 15 rounds of voting it took Kevin McCarthy to be elected speaker.

For an example of that dynamic, look at who’s excited about calling Jim Jordan speaker.

Matt Gaetz, yes that Matt Gaetz, the one who filed the motion to vacate that resulted in Kevin McCarthy being booted from office over the objections of all Republicans except for himself and seven other insurgents:

Speaking of McCarthy, he remains broadly popular in the conference. While he has said he does not want his old job back, it’s possible som Republicans opposed to a Jordan speakership will cast ballots for him, as a protest vote of sorts.

Jim Jordan: far-right celebrity, election denier, ‘political terrorist’

“That fucking guy Jim Jordan”. Those five words may as well as any sum up the career of Jim Jordan, who, since arriving in the House in 2007 to represent his Ohio district, has been at the vanguard of the chamber’s right wing.

And like many of his persuasion in Congress, Donald Trump has been a boon for Jordan’s standing. He boosted his national profile as a defender of Trump during his presidency, and continued doing so after his violent departure from office, prompting Liz Cheney, a Republican antagonist who would lose her seat in Congress at Trump’s urging, to describe Jordan with the aforementioned words.

Today could end with Jordan as the 56th speaker of the House. For more on him, here’s the Guardian’s Martin Pengelly:

Jim Jordan, the Ohio congressman who is seeking to become House speaker, is a prominent celebrity on the far right of US politics – and a magnet for controversy who a former speaker from his own party once called a “political terrorist”.

Jordan, 59, was elected to Congress in 2006 from a conservative, rural district of Ohio. A high school and college wrestling champion, he made his mark on the House as a founder of the hard-right Freedom caucus, helping oust two speakers, John Boehner and Paul Ryan, who were not deemed sufficiently extreme.

But Jordan has not been free of controversy himself. He has long been dogged by questions about a sexual abuse scandal at Ohio State University, where he was a wrestling coach before he entered politics, while the full extent of his involvement in Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election, leading up to the deadly attack on Congress, remains unknown.

In the last Congress, when Democrats held the gavel, Jordan refused to cooperate with the House January 6 committee, despite being served with a subpoena.

But his involvement in Trump’s machinations has been widely reported. He is known, for instance, to have spoken with the then president on the morning of the riot.

Conservative hardliner Jim Jordan’s prospects unclear as House votes for speaker

Good morning, US politics blog readers. Jim Jordan has empowered conservatives in the House of Representatives, promoted Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election and led the campaign to impeach Joe Biden. At the end of the day, he could be the next speaker of the chamber – or not. While Jordan last week won the party’s nomination to replace the ousted Kevin McCarthy as its leader, it is unclear if he has the votes necessary to win the gavel. Democrats will not support him, so Jordan needs 217 votes – near unanimity – from Republicans, but many of the party’s lawmakers are either undecided, or outright opposed to his candidacy.

Just like the vote two weeks ago that removed McCarthy from the speaker’s chair for the first time in American history, it seems likely Jordan will enter the House with no clear idea of his fate. The vote may go to multiple rounds, just like the January election that got McCarthy into his short-lived leadership post. If Jordan triumphs, it will make an election denier and conservative firebrand second-in-line to the presidency, and one of the most important players in Washington. If he falls, the House GOP will likely sink back into the disarray it’s been mired in since McCarthy fell.

Like all good showdowns, this one begins at high noon, eastern time. We’ll be covering it live on this blog.

Here’s what else is going on today:

  • Joe Biden is heading to Israel to “consult on next steps”, the White House said, as the country prepares for an invasion of the Gaza Strip in retaliation for Hamas’s terrorist attacks less than two weeks ago. For the latest on the conflict, follow our blog.

  • Tim Scott, a Republican senator and president candidate, expressed his support for Israel at a Georgetown University event this morning. We’ll tell you more about that later.

  • Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean Pierre will take questions from reporters on Air Force One as he flies to the Middle East.

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