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Holi 2023: How your zodiac sign reflects your festive mood?

Holi is one of the most popular and colourful festivals in India. It signifies the victory of good over evil and is celebrated with great enthusiasm. But did you know that there are different ways to celebrate Holi depending on your zodiac sign? Each zodiac sign has its own unique way of celebrating and being able to make the most out of this festive occasion. Let us explore how you can customize your Holi celebration as per your zodiac sign.

Aries: You are the life of the party. You enjoy being surrounded by people and love to be the centre of attention. When it comes to celebrating Holi, you will want to make sure that you are the one leading the festivities. You will likely be the one who suggests playing games, spraying colour on everyone, and dancing around in circles. You enjoy being active and enjoy being in a group setting, so Holi is the perfect holiday for you.

Taurus: Your sign is associated with the planet Venus, which represents beauty, love, and harmony. This makes Holi an ideal time for you to express your creative side. You may want to consider painting or drawing something special for the occasion. You could also use this time to write a poem or song about your feelings for the spring season or to decorate your house with colours. No matter how you choose to celebrate Holi, be sure to create something beautiful.

Gemini: Start your celebrations by dressing up in bright colours. This is a festival that’s all about fun and vibrancy, so embrace it! Yours is an air sign, so you’ll probably enjoy being surrounded by people and enjoying the festive atmosphere. Make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day, as Holi can be quite strenuous. You are a born communicator, so use your skills to keep everyone happy and entertained by organising some group games or activities.

Cancer: Your sign is all about family and tradition. So, when it comes to celebrating Holi, you’ll want to do it the way your elders have always done it. That means getting together with extended family and friends, and spending the day feasting on delicious Indian food and playing traditional games. Embrace the community spirit. Make sure to wear something pink with white so that the colours really pop!

Leo: Holi is the perfect opportunity for you to show off your vivacious personality! Get together with your friends and family and enjoy the festivities. Wear bright colours that make you stand out and don’t forget to take lots of pictures to remember the day. You should take advantage of this festive occasion to let loose and have some fun. Plan an outdoor party with your friends or family and make sure there’s plenty of food and drink to go around.

Virgo: As a person, you are quite organized and detail-oriented. You have a penchant for hygiene and cleanliness; hence your idea of Holi may be quite different from others. You may want to plan your Holi celebration in advance. Make sure you have all the supplies you need and that everyone who is participating in the celebration is aware of the expectations. Be sure to plan for the unexpected or even a last-minute change of plans.

Libra: For you, the ideal way to celebrate Holi is in the company of close friends, with plenty of good food and drink to enjoy. Create a festive atmosphere in your home, and invite your pals to join you for a day of fun and laughter. Go all out with the decorations —anything that will make it feel like a true celebration. Don’t forget to add some traditional Indian music and dance to the mix! Harmony is key for you, so make sure there’s plenty of colour and laughter to go around.

Scorpio: You are probably used to celebrating Holi with a big bang. But this year, you may want to consider something a little different. Instead of going out with your friends, why not stay home and spend some time with your family? This will be a great way to show them how much you care about them. You can also use this time to reflect on your life and what you want to achieve in the coming year. Traditional Holi foods like gujiyas and thandai is a must.

Sagittarius: The festival of Holi is the perfect opportunity for you to let your hair down and have some fun! You are known for your love of travel and adventure, so why not make the most of this festive occasion by heading out on a road trip or exploring a new destination? Whether you’re taking in the sights and sounds of your city or celebrating at home with friends and family, make sure to indulge in some of your favourite delicacies.

Capricorn: You’re probably not one for big parties or public displays of affection. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the Holi festival! Get together with a small group of close friends or family members and have your own mini-celebration. You don’t need to go big to have fun! Decorate your home with colourful lights and flowers. This will create a festive atmosphere without being too overwhelming.

Aquarius: Your sign is all about independence and individualism, so celebrating Holi solo or with a small group of close friends is right up your alley. You’re not one for big crowds or loud festivities, so a low-key celebration is perfect for you. Just make sure to wear something white so you can fully enjoy the colourful fun! Get some bright colours and a few of your closest friends and have a Holi party in your backyard.

Pisces: Use your sensitive nature and compassion to advantage while celebrating Holi. You should be gentle with those around and try to spread happiness and love. Use colours that are calming and soothing like pastel shades to bring out their inner peace. Spend some time reflecting on your life and appreciate the little moments. Avoid getting too caught up in the partying and revelry, as you can be prone to emotional exhaustion.


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)



Contact: Noida: +919910094779

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