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Diabetes diet for Navratri: Healthy fasting tips to control blood sugar, foods to eat and avoid

Is it okay for people with diabetes to do Navratri fast? The answer cannot be the same for every patient as some people manage their blood sugar better than the others. People who have uncontrolled glucose levels are at risk of complications during fasting. As Navratri is just a few days away and many people across India will fast during the nine days of the Hindu festival, it is important for diabetics to plan their diet in advance and discuss change in medication during this time with their doctors. (Also read: Diabetes: Bedtime rituals that can help manage blood sugar)

Regular monitoring of blood sugar, adding complex carbs, sufficient fibre and protein and sleep well can all help people with diabetes to stay healthy during the nine days of fasting. There is no dearth of diabetes-friendly foods from kuttu atta, samak ke chawal, singhara atta to vegetables like lauki that are permitted during Navratri fast.

Dr Prahlad Chawla, associated with Nishkaam Diabetes Care & Research, MD, FCCS, FICP, DFID, Fellowship in Diabetes (CMC Vellore) in a recent video posted on YouTube shares healthy fasting tips for people with diabetes.

Dr Chawla says people who monitor their blood sugar levels through glucometer and have good control on their blood sugar levels may not face a lot of problems in fasting during Navratri.

“It is important for you to discuss with your doctor how you are fasting during Navratri. Some people eat vrat-friendly grains during the fast while other just have fruits, milk and nuts,” says Dr Chawla.

Why sugar levels can fluctuate during fasting

“It may happen that if you are taking your usual diabetes medication but not eating much during most of the day, your sugar levels may fall to dangerous levels. On the other hand, after breaking your fast, one tends to overindulge and during this time, your blood sugar level can shoot up.

The guidance of your diabetes doctor is important as they may guide you regarding the dosage during the fasting period,” says Dr Chawla.

Foods to eat and avoid while fasting

While many Navratri fasting foods are essentially healthy from kuttu atta, lauki to samak ke chawal, how you cook them can make all the difference in whether or not they will raise your sugar levels. Deep frying them or adding sugar in them can be dangerous for people with diabetes.

“It is generally seen that while fasting people eat potato and kuttu atta. But the real problem is the cooking method here. People usually make poori, pakoda using these ingredients. Singhare and kuttu atta is very good for diabetes patients as they have complex carbs that keep sugar levels in control but deep frying it can be harmful and raise blood sugar,” says Dr Chawla.

He says the right way to have kuttu or singhara atta is by making rotis and having it with curd.

“Petha and lauki can also be eaten during vrat, but make sure not to add jaggery to it,” he says.

Dr Chawla says Samak chawal which is eaten during fasting is very nutritious for people with diabetes and one can make its khichdi and have it with curd or make its kheer.

One can also have milk and buttermilk to maintain energy levels during the fast.

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