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HomeWorldConfusion reigns over Ford’s Science Centre plan that includes conservation authority land

Confusion reigns over Ford’s Science Centre plan that includes conservation authority land

More than a week after Premier Doug Ford first said the Ontario Science Centre will be demolished and replaced with housing, the conservation authority that owns much of the land is waiting to tell Ford that’s impossible.

“We’re playing the waiting game at the moment,” Michael Tolensky, chief financial and operating officer of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, told the Star on Wednesday, adding Ford’s later musings about maybe also adding a community centre or school to the Don Mills site failed to clear up confusion.

“Nothing can be built on our land there but it’s not just because of the TRCA, it’s also city and provincial policies, which is why we were confused when the province announced affordable housing on that land,” Tolensky said.

“It’s within a ravine and considered hazardous lands because of the steep slopes and the West Don River floodplain, so I’m not sure how you would accomplish building in that area.

“We, and local community members, are trying to get a better understanding of what the province’s agenda is with that land — there have been announcements but it’s kind of unclear as to what the actual intention is.”

TRCA, Ontario’s biggest conservation authority, owns 81 acres of land around the southwest corner of Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue, with the City of Toronto owning the rest of the site.

They jointly leased it to the Science Centre for 99 years, ending in 2064, in an agreement that allows for only the centre on the site and requires renegotiation for any other uses including housing, according to city officials, who already have plans for new housing on adjacent city-owned parking lots.

Under fire for his Ontario Place redevelopment scheme that includes a towering private spa to be built by an Austrian company, Ford on April 18 announced Science Centre programming would move to the site and its “tired” concrete structure, built into the ravine, would be demolished.

The province is “planning to get rid of the old Science Centre, putting in affordable, attainable, non-profit housing homes up there because that’s what people need,” the premier told reporters.

A week later, amid fierce criticism from Flemingdon Park residents over the loss of the Science Centre, and from architecture experts over the loss of the Raymond Moriyama-designed structure, Ford changed course.

“We’re going to help you out with a new community centre and we’re going to help you with a new school, because they’re in desperate need of a school, I hear,” the premier said, adding elements of the landmark building might survive.

The provincial government has ample legislative powers to override local authorities but Tolensky says he doesn’t know why that would happen here given “none of the 81 (TRCA) acres is developable for this specific purpose.”

Councillor Jon Burnside, whose ward includes the Science Centre, is also waiting for answers. He says if science programming must move to Ontario Place, he is gathering ideas for what can replace it to improve the lives of Flemingdon Park and Thorncliffe Park residents.

“The (Dennis R.) Timbrell recreation centre across the street needs to be rebuilt and we’d love to partner with educational institutions, like Seneca College, to bring tech and other opportunities for kids,” Burnside said. “If there’s one thing the city needs is money and I’d love to see possibilities for children to learn.”

At Queen’s Park on Wednesday, Ford bristled under repeated opposition questions about his evolving Ontario Place and Science Centre plans.

“We’re going to revitalize Ontario Place. We’re going to make sure that the Science Centre is there — world-class, 300,000 square feet with exhibits,” the premier told the New Democrats during the legislature’s daily question period.

“The students up there, they’ve never experienced Ontario Place,” he said, motioning to a group of schoolchildren touring Queen’s Park.

“Because the Liberals and the NDP — you closed it for what, 12 years now? There’s weeds growing up. It’s decrepit,” said Ford. “All you Dippers are welcome to come,” he taunted the NDP of the revamped waterfront park.

NDP MPP Jennifer French blasted Ford for “painting the Ontario Science Centre as a teardown.”

“But it isn’t,” said French (Oshawa). “What is true is that capital repairs and building renewal are years behind …

“The minister says the Science Centre is falling apart. However, the business plans say nothing of the sort. What the Ontario Science Centre needs is for the government to cough up the needed funds and make the repairs,” she said.

Tourism Minister Neil Lumsden likened the Science Centre to “an old car that still runs and does awfully well.”

“Gas mileage is not great, but after a while, you have to find a new one. You’ve had great memories. It can still work, but you have an opportunity to get a newer model, something special, something that is more efficient, something that will carry more people,” said Lumsden.

“When we talk about the movement of the Science Centre, we talk about an opportunity … we’re talking about tourism.”

David Rider is the Star’s City Hall bureau chief and a reporter covering city hall and municipal politics. Follow him on Twitter: @dmrider
Robert Benzie is the Star’s Queen’s Park bureau chief and a reporter covering Ontario politics. Follow him on Twitter: @robertbenzie


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