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HomeLife StyleCheck out the new trend of no-makeup looks

Check out the new trend of no-makeup looks

Beauty trends are quite experimental and keep changing however few of them become evergreen for those special days or mood and one of the popular makeup hits was applying cream blush on lips, cheeks and nose to create the no-makeup natural look. The reason behind this trend becoming popular like never before is the less product usage, all you need is one cream blush in your pocket and you can amp up your look.

Check out the new trend of no-makeup looks (Photo by Twitter/aliaa08)

While it’s fun to get dolled up with a full face of foundation and bright or bold red lips on special occasions to ooze oomph, there are times when you just want to look and feel your best and that’s when a no-makeup makeup look can save the day! Cream tints are seeing a lot of traction from the consumers and this year we may see new formulations in this category as the no-makeup look essentially requires a little bit of makeup and beauty efforts to get that effortless look while seeming natural like no makeup is involved.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Shalini Thukral, Founder of Stir Skincare, shared, “In recent years, there has been a new trend emerging in the beauty industry: the no-makeup look. This trend encourages individuals to embrace their natural features and adopt a more minimalist approach to their makeup routine. The no-makeup look is all about enhancing your natural beauty without the use of heavy makeup. Instead of covering up imperfections, this trend highlights your features with the use of lightweight and subtle products such as tinted moisturizers, sheer foundations and lip balms.”

She added, “This trend has gained popularity due to its practicality and inclusivity. It emphasizes that everyone is beautiful in their own unique way, and that makeup should be used to enhance, not conceal. It also promotes self-confidence and encourages individuals to feel comfortable in their own skin. In a world that often emphasizes unrealistic beauty standards, the no-makeup look serves as a reminder that true beauty comes from within. By embracing our natural features and being confident in ourselves, we can radiate beauty and inspire others to do the same.”

Alisha Arsiwala , Lifestyle and Fashion Content Creator, echoed, “The no-makeup trend has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many women embracing a more natural look. Instead of piling on layers of foundation, concealer, and other products, the no-makeup look focuses on enhancing your natural features and letting your skin breathe. This trend has been embraced by celebrities and influencers, who have shared their own no-makeup selfies on social media. It has also led to the creation of new beauty products, such as tinted moisturizers and lightweight foundations, that give a natural and dewy finish to the skin.”

She highlighted, “The no-makeup trend is not about completely abandoning makeup, but rather using it more sparingly and strategically. It’s about embracing your unique features and feeling confident in your own skin. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with images of perfect-looking models and celebrities, the no-makeup trend is a refreshing change that promotes self-love and acceptance. It’s a reminder that true beauty comes from within, and that a glowing heart is the ultimate accessory.”

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