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Best and worst foods for digestion

Do you suffer from bad digestion and are prone to gut health issues? Your food habits could be at the root of your poor gut health. What we eat on a daily basis can affect the way we digest food in general. This happens due to the gut microbiota – the huge community of microorganisms that reside in our digestive tract that has an essential role to play in our body from immunity, digestion, metabolism to eliminating toxins. While food which is high on saturated fat, lacks fibre, has loads of sugar ends up causing inflammation, damaging the gut lining and deteriorating our overall health, consuming a varied and diverse diet can help promote a healthy gut microbiota. Eating foods high in fibre like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can provide a boost to our microbiota diversity and our overall health. (Also read: Ayurveda expert on best ways to consume fennel seeds for digestion, heart health)

“The digestive system is important for breaking down food so nutrients can be absorbed into the body. Many people suffer from a variety of digestive problems, with symptoms ranging from abdominal discomfort and pain to bloating, gas, diarrhoea, and constipation. These symptoms may be mild to severe. Conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and diverticulitis are the cause of many of these symptoms.

Nutrition can often make a significant difference in managing and improving digestion,” says Anupama Menon, certified Nutritionist & Lifestyle Coach.

Menon in a conversation with HT Digital talks about foods that are good for your digestion and those that can make your gut issues worse.

Best foods for digestion

1. Fermented foods: Yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, miso, and pickled cucumbers are excellent for your gut health. These foods contain probiotics, which help to balance healthy bacteria in the gut and protect against harmful bacteria. Adding fermented foods to your diet can provide many health benefits and help to decrease gas and bloating.

2. Whole grains: Whole wheat, oats, barley, buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa, and popcorn are examples of whole grains. They contain prebiotics, which are the food for the healthy bacteria. High in nutrients and fibre, whole grains help to bulk the stool, which then helps to prevent constipation.

3. Fruits: Apples, pears, bananas, raspberries, and papayas are best fruits for your gut. Fruits are high in fibre and are packed with vitamins and minerals that aid in digestion. Eating a wide variety of fruits will encourage regular bowel habits and ease digestive symptoms.

4. Tea: Peppermint, ginger, dandelion, fennel, and chamomile are some of the teas I would suggest. Drinking hot tea after a meal may relieve many digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, nausea, stomach cramps, and heartburn. Tea also helps to breakdown dietary fats, while relaxing abdominal muscles.

Worst foods for digestion

1. Fried food: Fried food is low in fibre and can cause diarrhea. Eating it over a period of time can impact your gut health.

2. Processed food: Processed food is stripped of nutrients, high in sugar, low in fibre, and contains preservatives. These factors can lead to constipation and other digestive problems.

3. Artificial sweeteners: Artificial sweeteners can contribute to abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

4. Alcohol: Alcohol can be irritating to the digestive tract and slow it down, affecting acid production and may cause abdominal discomfort.

5. Dals, pulses, legumes: They can sometimes cause abdominal discomfort. So it is best to soak them and pressure cook these with cooking soda which reduces the formation of gas for those who are sensitive to it.

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