Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeNationAnger over Khalistan supporters pulling down tricolour at mission in London

Anger over Khalistan supporters pulling down tricolour at mission in London

The pulling down of tricolour flying atop the Indian High Commission in London by pro-Khalistan protesters has infuriated people back home, with calls of strictest action against the culprits. A group of Khalistan supporters waved separatist flags and chanted pro-Khalistani slogans on Sunday as they grabbed India’s national flag flying atop the mission in London, leading to an arrest related to the violent disorder.

Pro=Khalistani protester pulling down tricolour.

Shiv Sena (UBT) leader and Rajya Sabha member Priyanka Chaturvedi condemned the incident and said strictest action against the culprits needs to be taken by UK government.

“This is absolutely shameful, unacceptable and needs to be condemned strongly. Strictest action against the culprits being disrespectful to our tricolour & trespassing needs to be taken by UK Police& its Government,” she tweeted.

Congress MP Rajeev Shukla tweeted: “Highly condemnable incident. Culprits must be arrested by British police.”

Officials from the mission said the “attempted but failed” attack had been foiled and that the tricolour was now flying “grander”, reported PTI.

Scotland Yard said it was called to reports of disorder on Sunday afternoon and that a man has been arrested as its enquiries continue.

“There was no report of any injury, however windows were broken at the High Commission building,” the Metropolitan Police statement said.

“Officers attended the location. The majority of those present had dispersed prior to the arrival of police. An investigation was launched, and one male was arrested nearby a short time later on suspicion of violent disorder. Enquiries continue,” the statement said.

The external affairs ministry in New Delhi, meanwhile, summoned the senior-most British diplomat to lodge a protest after several videos on social media showed a Sikh man pulling down the flag outside the Indian mission in London. British deputy high commissioner Christina Scott was “reminded in this regard of the basic obligations of the UK Government under the Vienna Convention”, said a statement from the external affairs ministry.

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