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HomeNation4 persons with rifles, walkie talkie arrested in strife-torn Manipur

4 persons with rifles, walkie talkie arrested in strife-torn Manipur

Four persons in possession of a significant cache of arms were arrested on Tuesday from the Bishnupur district of strife-torn Manipur, police said. From their possession, authorities confiscated three SLR Rifles along with four empty magazines, 20 live rounds, seven mobile phones, a Baofeng Walkie Talkie Set, two cars, bags, and various other items.

A case has been registered by the Manipur Police.

The arrested individuals have been identified as Salam Rameshwor Singh, 48, Tongbram Gyanjit Singh alias Chinglensana, 39, Pukhrem Ingocha Singh, 40, and Thokchom Temba alias Wakheiba, 50.

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Pukhrem and Wakheiba were associated with one of the factions of the United National Liberation Front (UNLF), the oldest valley-based armed insurgent group.

A case has been registered by the Manipur Police for further investigation into the matter.

These arrests come against the backdrop of escalating violence and lawlessness that has gripped Manipur for well over 10 months. What initially began as an ethnic conflict between the Meiteis and the Kukis has now spiralled into a multifaceted crisis, resulting in the loss of lives, displacement of thousands, and a pervasive atmosphere of fear.

Reports indicate that the looting of vehicles has become a rampant phenomenon in Manipur, with armed militants targeting various types of vehicles for different purposes.

According to police sources, there have been at least 45 FIRs filed detailing the looting of 50 vehicles between July 2023 and February 2024 alone. The stolen vehicles range from SUVs and sedans to heavy construction machinery like earth-movers and JCBs. These vehicles are often repurposed for criminal activities, with their number plates changed to evade detection.

The modus operandi differs between the valley and hill districts of Manipur. In the valley, stolen vehicles are frequently used to facilitate various crimes, with reports indicating instances where looted cars were involved in robberies and abductions. In the hill districts, heavy machinery stolen by militants is utilised to construct infrastructure that supports their operations, such as bunkers and sniper outposts.

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