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UPSC Success Story: Purvi Nandas Triumph, Achieves UPSC Success Through Self-Study And Unconventional Grit

New Delhi: Cracking the Civil Services Examination administered by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) stands as an arduous feat, demanding unwavering dedication and meticulous planning. It represents a pinnacle achievement in the realm of competitive examinations, requiring candidates to navigate through a labyrinth of subjects and concepts.

For many aspiring civil servants, the conventional path involves seeking guidance from coaching institutes. However, there exists a cohort, exemplified by IRS officer Purvi Nanda, who chart their path to success through relentless self-study and determination.

Hailing from the culturally rich city of Udaipur, Purvi’s educational journey commenced at St. Mary’s School, culminating in her graduation with an LLB from the esteemed National Law University in 2019. It was her father Pitambar Nanda’s fervent desire for her to ascend to the prestigious Indian Administrative Service (IAS) that ignited Purvi’s ambition to undertake the UPSC challenge. While her aspiration for the IAS crown remains unfulfilled, Purvi’s prowess was evident when she clinched the 224th position in the UPSC 2020 examination solely through self-guided study.

Purvi’s unorthodox approach eschewed the traditional reliance on coaching classes, opting instead for an intensive regimen of self-study. With unwavering resolve, she immersed herself in her studies, dedicating a staggering ten to eleven hours daily to preparation. Her methodical routine encompassed solving past years’ question papers, a strategy instrumental in deciphering the exam’s intricacies and fortifying her knowledge base.

Demonstrating remarkable discipline, Purvi imposed restrictions on her phone and social media usage during this rigorous preparation phase. Her relentless toil bore fruit when she secured a coveted position in the Income Tax Department, serving as a testament to the efficacy of her unconventional approach.

In addition to her professional accolades, Purvi is a published author, her literary debut titled “Behind the Scene: The Untold Stories of UPSC Aspirants.” Within its pages, she candidly shares her journey of conquering the UPSC examination sans external guidance, offering invaluable insights into the trials and tribulations faced by aspirants on a similar quest for success.

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