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Anti-ageing effects to even complexion: Bakuchiol benefits in skincare and makeup

In the realm of makeup where skincare is correlational too, Bakuchiol’s inclusion signifies a fusion of beauty and skincare benefits. Incorporating Bakuchiol in your skincare routine or as a part of your makeup regimen within products such as foundations or concealers, capitalises on its skin-enhancing properties.

Anti-ageing effects to even complexion: Bakuchiol benefits in skincare and makeup (Image by iStock)

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Ananya Kapur, Founder of Type Beauty INC., shared, “By infusing makeup with Bakuchiol, the products not only provide coverage but also contribute to the overall health and appearance of the skin. The ingredient’s ability to support collagen production and its non-irritating nature align well with today’s needs of your skin, offering users not just a cosmetic enhancement but also the added advantage of skin nourishment and protection.”

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She revealed, “This integration of Bakuchiol into makeup underscores a shift towards multifunctional beauty products that prioritise both aesthetic appeal and skincare benefits, elevating the makeup experience to a more holistic level. Bakuchiol’s gentleness allows for consistent use, offering a smoother, more even complexion, diminishing hyperpigmentation and promoting a youthful glow. Its versatility and efficacy position Bakuchiol as a standout ingredient in modern skincare regimens, catering to the diverse needs of individuals seeking natural, effective solutions.”

Echoing that Bakuchiol has gained widespread acclaim in skincare circles owing to its exceptional attributes, Sanshi Aggarwal, Founder of Flossy Cosmetics, said, “The paradigm shift in makeup-infused skincare has allowed ingredients like Bakuchiol inclusive cosmetic ranges to become choice of the hour. One of its admiring qualities has led consumers to see Bakuchiol as a natural alternative to retinol that boasts anti-ageing effects, stimulating collagen production, reducing fine lines and enhancing skin elasticity without the potential irritation often associated with retinoids. Bakuchiol replenishes the skin and contributes to improvements in pigmentation.”

She concluded, “It is undoubtedly a less-irritating and vegan alternative, positioning it as a standout choice in the beauty realm. Its antioxidant-rich nature combats free radicals, shielding the skin from environmental damage, while its anti-inflammatory properties soothe sensitive skin, making it suitable for various skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin. As a plant-derived extract, Bakuchiol stands at the forefront of beauty innovations, celebrated for its multifaceted benefits that transcend conventional skincare norms.”

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